Detailed comparison of construction technique

Sr. No. Particulars CIS Precast 2D Precast 3D PEB
1 Definition Construction on Site Manufactured in Factory, Erection on site Manufactured in Factory, Erection on site Manufactured in Factory, Erection on site (Primarily Steel Buildings)
2 Casting Casting in open environment, elements can not manufactured in advance Elements are manufactured in factory environment in 2D dimensions. Casted in advance Elements are manufactured in factory environment in 3D dimensions. Casted in advance Column, Beams and roof is made of steel in factory environment. Erected at site
3 QA/QC Very Difficult Easily monitoring QA/QC Easily monitoring QA/QC Easily monitoring QA/QC
4 Flexibility Last minute changes are possible All the planning to made in advance but flexibility is design is possible All the planning to made in advance All the planning to made in advance
5 Labour Labour oriented Required lesser but skilled resources Least requirement of labour Labour oriented
6 Machines / Equipment Least dependent on equipment Equipment and machine play key role Equipment and machine play key role Equipment and machine play key role
7 Costing Economic initially but expensive in long term Comparative with CIS 10-15% expensive than 2D Precast Expensive
8 Tracking and Monitoring Difficult Easily monitoring Easily monitoring Difficult
9 Project Completion Mostly Delay due to various reasons like labor, weather local issues Project can be completed in half of its time compared to CIS Time saving approach. Even faster than 2D precast In PEB projects, there is huge amount of CIS work which slow down the speed of construction
10 Initial Investment No Special investment required Investment for precast plant or purchase elements from precast factories Investment for precast plant or purchase elements from precast factories PEB Elements to procured from PEB suppliers
11 Application All types of buildings Best for long span spans, commercial and industrial projects Best for residential projects Mainly used for industrial sheds
12 Carbon Footprint High as all raw material transported to site Low as transportation of raw material is reduced and no form work needed onsite Low as transportation of raw material is reduced and no form work needed onsite Moderate as steel itself has high carbon value
13 Quality of work Depended on workmanship of labour High quality of work High quality of work Moderate quality of work
14 Duration / Timeline More time compare to other technology Less time compare to CIS Less time compare to CIS and 2D precast Less time compare to CIS
15 Summary Conventional approach, labor oriented, resulted in project delay. It makes it expensive method. Upcoming technology which required less labor and more planning. If projects are planned properly, it is economic, time saving and flexible construction methodology 3D Precast produce complete room and require least work at the site. Helps in project completion on time. Less connections CIS work. Good for remote areas, harsh environmental areas and less populated regions If PEB elements are merged with 2D Precast(Column beam in steel, façade and rood with precast), it will be good combination. It will be economical and stronger buildings.

Productivity Improvements

  • Fabrication of PPVC can proceed in parallel in the factory while other worksite activities are ongoing to streamline the construction process.
  • The on-site construction activities can be significantly reduced through the use of PPVC.
  • It can potentially achieve a productivity improvement of more than 40% in terms of manpower on site and more than 20% time savings, depending on the complexity of the projects

Reduction of on-site manpower

  • This will enhance worksite safety and direct the manpower to better working conditions. More construction off-site leads to less time on-site and fewer individual man-hours working at height.
  • By reducing construction and installation activities and manpower from the site, and placing them off-site in a controlled factory environment, fewer workers will be on site which in turn leads to fewer accidents and less downtime.

Better Construction Environment

  • As more activities are done off-site, a reduction of environment pollution can be ensured as dust and noise pollution are potentially minimised.
  • Disamenities to the surrounding neighbourhoods during construction can be diminished.
  • Prefabrication of the building modules also leads to cleaner worksites by generating less overall construction waste on-site.

Better Quality Control

  • PPVC delivers the majority of the final product from the controlled factory environment leading to increased reliability with higher-quality finishing.
  • Sequence of work can be planned more efficiently with better logistics coordination.

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Comparative graph of construction technique